Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor are three learning domains that should be considered when choosing evaluation strategies. Evaluation of learners helps the teacher determine the scope of learning that has taken place and helps the teacher improve on the teaching strategies. The cognitive domain majorly focuses on the ability of learners to acquire mental skills and understand and use knowledge. Learners first gain knowledge and replicate the ideas by recalling comprehension, applying information, and analyzing concepts. The cognitive domain can be evaluated through class discussions, self-check quizzes, problem-based learning, PowerPoint presentations, a recap of the previous lesson, and real-time examples (Kemery & Morrell, 2020). To evaluate the cognitive of my learners, I choose to use a problem-based learning approach and PowerPoint presentations as they make learning memorable.
The affective domain focuses on motivation, attitude, and emotions of self. Evaluating the affective domain aims at verifying competency as well as acting as an opportunity for changing behavior. Furthermore, the affective domain entails receiving, responding, valuing, organizing, and characterizing information (Kemery & Morrell, 2020). In clinical settings, the affective domain majorly focuses on questioning professional behavior, interactions, or personal behavior toward patients and colleagues. There is no single effective tool for evaluating the affective domain. However, attempts by educators to evaluate learners` behavior. Evaluations can be in the form of project writing, documentation, streaming course-related videos, involvement in course lectures, and using short video clips. I intend to use project writing to assess the behaviors of learners and their commitment complete their tasks on time.
Finally, the psychomotor domain focuses on motor and physical skills. The stages of the psychomotor domain often involve coordination, actions, formation, and production. Clinical settings offer an opportunity for face-to-face assessment of psychomotor skills (Kemery & Morrell, 2020). Educators often involve learners to demonstrate clinical skills by interpreting scenarios, describing pictures, and performing simple skills on patients during an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). I intend to engage my learners through OSCEs during the final year to assess their psychomotor skills.
Kemery, S. R., & Morrell, B. L. M. (2020). Differences in psychomotor skills teaching and evaluation practices in undergraduate nursing programs. Nursing Education Perspectives, 41(2), 83–87.